Wednesday 30 November 2016

6 event in Today's Date in History (30th November )

  1. 1648 -  English Parliamentary army captures King Charles I.
  2. 1858Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose was born in Munshiganj, Bengal Presidency, (present day Bangladesh) on 30 November.
  3. 1909British House of Lords rejects David Lloyd George's 'People's Budget', which tried to shift tax burden to the wealthy. Leads to the Parliament Act; intent to stop unelected house overruling will of the elected house.
  4. 1950 - President Truman declares that the United States will use the A-bomb to get peace in Korea.
  5. 1970George Harrison releases his triple album set "All Things Must Pass".
  6. 1989“America’s First Female Serial Killer” strikes.

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