Saturday 3 December 2016

5 event in Today's Date in History ( 3rd December )

  1. 1775First official US flag raised (Grand Union Flag) aboard naval vessel USS Alfred.
  2. 1847 -  Frederick Douglass publishes first issue of his newspaper "North Star".
  3. 1863Confederate General James Longstreet moves his army east and north toward Greeneville. This withdrawal marks the end of the Fall Campaign in Tennessee.
  4. 1911 -  Willis Carrier presents his influencial "Rational Psychrometric Formulae" on air conditioning to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  5. 1947 A Streetcar Named Desire opens on Broadway.

Friday 2 December 2016

5 event in Today's Date in History (2nd December )

  1. 1697St Paul's Cathedral, designed by Sir Christopher Wren is consecrated for use (previous building destroyed in the Great Fire of London).
  2. 1779Washington establishes winter quarters at Morristown.
  3. 1812James Madison re-elected president of US, E Gerry vice-president.
  4. 18681st British government of Benjamin Disraeli resigns.
  5. 1942The Allies repel a strong Axis attack in Tunisia, North Africa. 

Thursday 1 December 2016

5 event in Today's Date in History (1st December )

  1. 1862Lincoln’s State of the Union address.
  2. 1925 - After a seven-year occupation, 7,000 British troops evacuate Cologne, Germany.
  3. 1955 - Rosa Parks refuses to sit in the back of a Montgomery, Alabama, bus, defying the South's segregationist laws.
  4. 1973 - Jack Nicklaus becomes 1st golfer to earn $2M in a year.
  5. 1982Michael Jackson releases his album "Thriller".

Wednesday 30 November 2016

6 event in Today's Date in History (30th November )

  1. 1648 -  English Parliamentary army captures King Charles I.
  2. 1858Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose was born in Munshiganj, Bengal Presidency, (present day Bangladesh) on 30 November.
  3. 1909British House of Lords rejects David Lloyd George's 'People's Budget', which tried to shift tax burden to the wealthy. Leads to the Parliament Act; intent to stop unelected house overruling will of the elected house.
  4. 1950 - President Truman declares that the United States will use the A-bomb to get peace in Korea.
  5. 1970George Harrison releases his triple album set "All Things Must Pass".
  6. 1989“America’s First Female Serial Killer” strikes.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Top 5 event in Today's Date in History ( 29th November )

  1. 1864Colonel John M. Chivington's 3rd Colorado Volunteers massacre Black Kettles' camp of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians at Sand Creek, Colo.
  2. 1868 - "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott is published in America by Roberts Brothers of Boston.
  3. 1877US inventor Thomas Edison demonstrates his hand-cranked phonograph for the first time.
  4. 1929 - Commander Richard Byrd makes the first flight over the South Pole.
  5. 1952 - US President-elect Eisenhower visits Korea to assess war.

Monday 28 November 2016

5 event in Today's Date in History (28th November )

  1. 1520 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellanbegins crossing the Pacific Ocean.
  2. 1795 -   US pays $800,000 & a frigate as tribute to Algiers & Tunis.
  3. 1868Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer's 7th Cavalry kills Chief Black Kettle and about 100 Cheyenne (mostly women and children) on the Washita River.
  4. 1893Women vote in a national election for the first time, in the New Zealand general election.
  5. 1930 - Howard Hanson's 2nd Symphony "Romantic" premieres.

Sunday 27 November 2016

5 event in Today's Date in History (27th November )

  1. 1895  - Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel's will establishes the Nobel Prize.
  2. 1941 - The Japanese fleet departs from the Kuril Islands en route to its attack on Pearl Harbor.
  3. 1945  - Gen George Marshall named special US envoy to China.
  4. 1947  - Joe DiMaggio wins his 3rd MVP, beating Ted Williams by 1 vote.
  5. 1978  - San Francisco leaders George Moscone and Harvey Milk are murdered.